1/4 cup coconut oil melted
1/4 cup honey
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 3/4 cups spelt flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
Pinch salt
Mix wet ingredients with a fork and add dry till dough forms. Place dough in fridge 10-15 min. Roll out dough, you can sprinkle some more spelt flour while rolling if needed. Cut out circles and fill with chocolate filling. Pinch 3 corners to form hamentashen
1 cup vegan/sugar free choc chips
1 can coconut milk (chilled so that you can separate the thick part from the liquid and use the thick part). Stir both in a pot for a few minutes till gnash forms. Let it sit out to chill and it will become thicker, then fill the hamentashen dough. (This makes quite a bit so no need to be doubled)
Bake at 350 till golden brown, approx 10-15 min.

Here's another yummy filling you can add in addition to the delish chocolate one!
2 cups fresh strawberries
1/4 cup maple syrup
2 tbsp chia seeds
Blend all ingredients, then heat in a small pot approx 5 min till jam bubbles and thickens. Fill hamentashen, store rest in a mason jar and enjoy on toast during the week!
Purim Tips; the joyful, balanced way!

It's so easy to indulge with all the tempting sweets around us on Purim, yet I do believe in enjoying the holiday and finding a balance of being mindful yet having a good time too without feeling the affects.
With these key tips in mind and putting them into action you can feel good and maintain your weight on this joyous day!
1. Have a good breakfast; you may think that if you skip the meals you will eat less calories but you end up being so much more tempted by the goodies since you're that much more hungry and then you may end up indulging even more than all your meals.
2. You can replace your usual snacks with your favorite Shelach manot. Choose the ones you would really love to try and enjoy, skip the ones you can do without.
3.. The Purim meal starts at an early hour so if you've had your meals you won't be starving. Enjoy a protein, starch and fill up on salads. It is Purim after all so you can enjoy an alcoholic beverage or two or three it's okay to do that once in a while and Purim would be the perfect time for that! 🍷🍹🍸
4. Always remember to drink plenty of water ✔️
5. After the Chag, the temptations can continue with all the left over sweets and goodies. Allow your kids pick a handful (5 is a good number) of goodies to keep and something for you too and the rest place in a box and give away to an institution of your choice. Your children will feel good having picked their favorites and they will know that the rest is going to those who don't often get to enjoy sweets.
Hope these tips help you and your family on Purim to keep up your awesome work and your healthy lifestyle!